Whole world using ETOPO2 ( 7 % )
South east Asia using ETOPO2 (50%) with user data.
North Island, New Zealand using ETOPO30 ( 50 % )
Contour map of Suwanose island , Japan using 10 m DEM from GSI of Japan.
Conical projection map of Japan using ETOPO2 ( 100 % )
Orthographic map of Europe, using ETOPO2 ( 50 % ).
Equidistant map centered New York city, using ETOPO2 ( 20 % ). Circle pitch is 1,000 nautical miles.
Bird's eye view of Mt. Etna in Italy. ( SRTM 3 sec. ver. 4, twice in elevation )
Stereograph (cross eye ) of St. Helen in WA, USA using 10 m grid DEM (50 % ).
Panorama view of Hodaka-dake in Japan Alps using 10 m DEM from GSI.
Panorama view of Oahu and other islands in Hawaii using 3 sec DEMs.
Stereo ( cross eye ) panorama view of Mt. Fuji using 10 m grid DEM from GSI.
Browser should support video tag to show movies.
3D movie flying Grand Canyon. DEMs are 1/3 sec GridFloat format from USGS. ( 3 min. 26 MB )
Recording by QuickTimePlayer.
Mt. Fuji and lakes. DEMs are 10 m mesh from GSI of Japan. ( 2.2 min. 19 MB )
Recording by QuickTimePlayer.
Copytight © 2013, by Yoshiaki Katayanagi